Sebastian Meyer, Dr. sc. nat.

Dr. Sebastian Meyer

R Core Team (since 2021-10) & R Foundation

Journal of Statistical Software (Section Editor, since 2017-07)

  • Spatio-temporal endemic-epidemic modelling in R
  • Aluminium: Aluminum exposure in humans through food packaging
  • RSV-Protect: Confirmation of efficacy of a novel immunization regimen against respiratory syncytial virus
  • SUSPend: Impact of Social distancing policies and Underreporting on the SPatio-temporal spread of COVID-19
  • EUPHORIA: Establish and validate Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) as a new diagnostic tool to monitor inflammatory bowel disease

(Vollständige Liste im ORCID-Profil.)


  • surveillance (CRAN, R-Forge, paper, applications): (Spatio-)Temporal Modeling & Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena
  • polyCub (CRAN, GitHub, paper): Numerical Integration over Polygonal Domains
  • hhh4contacts (CRAN, paper): Age-Structured Spatio-Temporal Models for Infectious Disease Counts
  • HIDDA.forecasting (GitHub, preprint): Forecasting Based on Surveillance Data


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