Sebastian Meyer, Dr. sc. nat.
Dr. Sebastian Meyer
R Core Team (since 2021-10) & R Foundation
Journal of Statistical Software (Section Editor, since 2017-07)
- Spatio-temporal endemic-epidemic modelling in R
- Aluminium: Aluminum exposure in humans through food packaging
- RSV-Protect: Confirmation of efficacy of a novel immunization regimen against respiratory syncytial virus
- SUSPend: Impact of Social distancing policies and Underreporting on the SPatio-temporal spread of COVID-19
- EUPHORIA: Establish and validate Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) as a new diagnostic tool to monitor inflammatory bowel disease
- Yagshyyev, S., Haney, B., Li, Y., Papatheodorou, N., Zetzmann, K., Meyer, A.,... Rother, U. (2024). Independent Factors Influencing Changes in Baroreceptor Sensitivity after Carotid Endarterectomy. Annals of Vascular Surgery, 108, 393-402.
- Kalibera, T., & Meyer, S. (2023). Changes in R. The R Journal, 15(4), 292 - 294.
- Lu, J., & Meyer, S. (2023). A zero-inflated endemic–epidemic model with an application to measles time series in Germany. Biometrical Journal, 65(8).
- Hiller, J., Göen, T., Seibold-Wulf, N., Meyer, S., & Drexler, H. (2023). Effect of an aluminum foil-processed diet on internal human aluminum burden. Environment International, 177.
- Kratzer, A., Diehl, K., Gefeller, O., Meyer, S., & Grässel, E. (2022). Non-pharmacological, psychosocial MAKS-s intervention for people with severe dementia in nursing homes: results of a cluster-randomised trial. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1).
- Kalibera, T., Meyer, S., & Hornik, K. (2022). Changes in R. The R Journal, 14(4), 361 - 364.
- Fischer, S., Cohnen, S., Klenske, E., Schmitt, H., Vitali, F., Hirschmann, S.,... Atreya, R. (2021). Long-term effectiveness, safety and immunogenicity of the biosimilar SB2 in inflammatory bowel disease patients after switching from originator infliximab. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, 14.
- Cardillo, E., Abad, E., & Meyer, S. (2021). Iberian oak decline caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi: A spatiotemporal analysis incorporating the effect of host heterogeneities at landscape scale. Forest Pathology.
- Kalibera, T., Meyer, S., Hornik, K., Starostin, G., & Tierney, L. (2021). Changes in R. The R Journal, 13(2), 734-737.
- Kalibera, T., Meyer, S., & Hornik, K. (2021). Changes in R 4.0-4.1. The R Journal, 13(1), 638-640.
(Vollständige Liste im ORCID-Profil.)
- surveillance (CRAN, R-Forge, paper, applications): (Spatio-)Temporal Modeling & Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena
- polyCub (CRAN, GitHub, paper): Numerical Integration over Polygonal Domains
- hhh4contacts (CRAN, paper): Age-Structured Spatio-Temporal Models for Infectious Disease Counts
- HIDDA.forecasting (GitHub, preprint): Forecasting Based on Surveillance Data
cdcfluview codemetar covr knitr lattice MMWRweek multcomp nlme pkgdown roxygen2 sp spatstat.geom spdep tinytest
- Spatio-temporal analysis of epidemic data using the R package 'surveillance'
9. September 2024 - 9. September 2024, Hasselt, URL: - Changes in R
31. Juli 2023, Veranstaltung: Statistical Computing 2023 - Keynote: Junior R-core experiences
23. Juni 2022, Veranstaltung: useR! 2022, URL: - Tutorial on `hhh4` modelling with "surveillance"
23. März 2022, Veranstaltung: Workshop on the Endemic-Epidemic Framework for Infectious Disease Modelling, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, URL: - Räumlich-zeitliche Punktprozess-Regression mit epidemischer Komponente
13. März 2020, Veranstaltung: IBS-DR Workshop der AGs Ökologie und Umwelt, Räumliche Statistik und Bayes-Methodik - Forecasting based on surveillance data
27. August 2019, Veranstaltung: GEOMED 2019, URL: - Spatio-temporal analysis of epidemic phenomena
20. September 2017, Veranstaltung: Workshop on Automatic Detection of Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Robert Koch-Institut (RKI)